Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer is here - remember to plan ahead

“No one plans to fail – we simply fail to plan.”

The amount of damage you can prevent by simply having an idea ahead of time what you will eat and drink this weekend will save you bunches of extra calories and guilt.

Going to a BBQ?

- Be aware of choices – Grilled Chicken over Hamburger
- Be aware of portion sizes – go for palm sized protein, load up on fruits and veggies, choose spoon sized tastes of high calorie sides 
- Be aware of calories consumed – avoid high calorie appetizers and multiple servings - Be aware of hidden calories – condiments count too and consider what you choose to drink.

It is very easy to go to a cookout and consume well over 1,000 calories worth of food and drink.

Simply being aware gives you the control to at the very least minimize your calorie intake, preventing the addition of unwanted pounds.

Reduce Guilt by trying this quick HIIT Tabata Superset

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