Saturday, June 26, 2010

How much weight should I use?

Strength coaches will use your rep maxes to determine what weights you should be using during each set of each exercise because they allow us to estimate how strong that particular part of your body is, and how much weight you need to lift to achieve your goals.

To gauge how much weight you should use for any exercise follow these simple steps :

  1. Decide a on a set and rep range to match your end goal (Refer below: Strength, Size or Endurance)

  2. Practice the movement to make sure you know the correct technique well

  3. Pick a weight that allows you to just complete the required number of sets and reps

  4. The weight you choose should really challenge you on the last few reps

  5. Do this for each exercise and then log your progress each week

  6. Assess your gains and change your routine every 4 weeks to keep you progressing

    Here’s a rough guide as to how to structure your weight training to meet your goals.

  7. Muscle Strength: 2 - 6 sets of 1 - 6 reps

  8. Muscle Size: 3 - 6 sets of 8 - 12 reps

  9. Muscle Endurance: 2 - 3 sets of 15+ reps

    The weight you use for an exercise should be gauged by the maximum number of repetitions you can perform with PERFECT TECHNIQUE. Often this weight is referred to as Rep Max or RM.

  10. 1 rep of an exercise at a given weight is your 1 Rep Max

  11. 8 reps of an exercise at a given weight is your 8 Rep Max

  12. 15 reps of an exercise at a given weight is your 15 Rep Max

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