Monday, June 21, 2010

Complete Protein: Quinoa with Sweet Potato

As a foodie and a personal trainer, I have recommended this amazing and versatile grain in place of rice (or couscous, pasta ...even some desserts!). Quinoa as it's one of the most energizing foods that is also completely vegetarian, but contains all the essential amino acids to make it a complete protein. In short, this means that quinoa can easily replace the meat portion of your meal without sacrificing the very important protein component of a healthy balanced meal.

Quinoa with Sweet Potato


1/2 cup organic white quinoa (rinse before cooking or let soak overnight to release the saponins)
1 cup of filtered water
2 tbsp of grated organic orange rind
3 tbsp orange juice
1 tbsp of grated fresh ginger
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1 sweet potato, cooked and cut up into chunks *
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 generous cups of spinach

Bring quinoa to a boil and then let simmer for 12-15 minutes. 
Remove from heat and let cool only slightly. 
Place into a medium size bowl and add orange rind, juice, ginger, almonds, sweet potato, spinach and olive oil. Mix all the ingredients together.

* Sweet potato: You can bake it for 35-40 minutes at 350F or boil it for 10-15 minutes until fork tender.

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