Here are 3 of the most important steps you can take to STOP
Emotional Eating
1. Use a Distraction to Avoid the Wrong Action
When you feel stressed, anguished or worried, the best course of
action is to cause a distraction.
Take a walk, call a friend, sing, stretch, play with your kids, or
even dance! Do anything you can to form positive habits and stop
allowing your emotions to control what you eat.
2. Create a Life Checklist
When life gets hectic, food is often the one thing you can't stay
away from. So to fight its power, you'll make a "life check list".
Write down each area in your life (home, career, love) and score it
from 1 to 10 (1 = poor 10 = great).
Beside each score write down an action you can take to improve the
score and situation around this area of your life. By improving other
aspects of your life, you will stop making food your support system.
3. Stop Self Sabotage
Self-sabotage is far too common for emotional eaters. And by
sabotage, I mean negative self-talk.
To overcome this destructive habit you must develop positive
self-talk habits.
Tell yourself:
"I don't need a cake to make myself feel good."
"I am in control."
"I can choose to eat foods that will help my body and not hurt it."
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