Monday, June 14, 2010

Green Apple Salad with Dressing

 I made this for dinner a few nights ago and drizzled it over mixed organic greens, sliced avocado, roasted chicken and toasted pumpkin seeds. You can add more other toppings such as Strawberries or in place of Chicken, try Salmon!

This is appropriate for those of you trying the elimination diet, just refer to the Food Chart when selecting toppings.


Salad Dressing Recipe

1 green apple, cored (Granny Smith)
1/2 cup filtered water
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 to 4 cloves garlic
1 to 2-inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled
Sea salt, to taste

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until very smooth and creamy. 
Add salt to taste and blend again.

Some interesting info. I recently read from a Cardio-Core colleague in Ontario regarding the benefits to eating avocado... not that I need an excuse to enjoy this creamy green fruit

--> Check out her blog http://allysonangus.blogspot.com/ for more interesting info.

As noted food writer Gaylor Hauser once said of it; "In this single delectable fruit are combined the protein of meat, the fat of butter (but much more wholesome!), the vitamins & minerals of green vegetables, the flavor of nuts... a six course meal!"

A creamy rich avocado is considered the world's healthiest fruit because of nutrient contents such as vitamin K, dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C & copper. I start my day with a protein shake that includes 1 FULL avocado. I LOVE my morning shake! When I get the night time munchies I go to bed so my shake will come quicker. I'm not looking forward to the day the avocado is taken out of my diet (which is coming soon, I'm sure) but for now, I will enjoy!

Avocados are a WHOLE FOOD! They have more potassium than a banana, provide all 18 amino acids & 7 essential fatty acids including Omega 3 & 6. An avocado has more protein cow's milk & more usable protein than a large steak (cooked = denatured).

Avocados are a natural FAT BURNER! Containing monosaturated fat which speeds up the basil metabolic rate. Its high fat content gives a quicker feeling of satiation (fullness) which is also very beneficial and nice first thing in the morning, right before my training.

A note on potassium (which avocados are full of!). Potassium is critical to our cardiovascular and nerve functioning, regulating the transfer of nutrients into cells and facilitating muscle energy. Potassium enhances muscle control plus the growth and health of cells particularly through its importance in waste product removal**

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