Monday, June 28, 2010

Don't be Scared to Lift Weights -> Read why here!

As a female, I have no aspirations to get HUGE bulging muscles, which is echoed by many of my female clients...and trust me 5lb are not going to have that effect, they will however help you achieve "toned," "sculpted" look many women are looking for. Women do you need more convincing? Read this following articles --> Lose weight by lifting weights and Why You Should Lift Weights if You’re a Woman

Men however want the pride associated with definite muscle definition and for those individuals you will want to start with a Dumbbell much higher than 5lb.

Still queasy about lifting weights? Hear me out why you should lift weights.
Maintaining a certain level of muscle mass is beneficial for EVERYONE!

1. Muscle equals strength. And functional strength will enhance
every aspect of your life. Not only will you be able to perform
your daily tasks -- personal, occupational and leisure -- more
efficiently, you'll even have better posture and more energy.

2. Muscle mass helps burn fat. More mass gives you a bigger engine
to rev up, burning more fuel. If you want to live lean, you need
adequate muscle.

3. You might even live longer if you have more muscle. In fact,
it's one of the most important predictors of longevity!

4. More muscle means better insulin sensitivity. What's that? It
means you'll be less likely to store calories as fat and that
you'll have more protection from metabolic diseases like diabetes.

5. You'll look better. For millions of years, sleek muscularity
meant a better chance of success, survival and passing on your
genetic code. As a result -- whether male or female -- we're
naturally drawn to people who are fit and strong.

So if you want to be more confident, healthier and more attractive
you need to have a certain amount of muscle mass. As you get older,
muscle gets harder to maintain or to put on. You need all the
tricks you can get. 

CARDIO-CORE BOOTCAMP is the all-around solution to your fitness goals!

Check us our online www.corebootcamp.com for locations and to print out your FREE 
guest pass!

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