Intelligent exercise triggers different hormonal signals in the body. These chemical messengers are powerful determinants of which fuel your body will burn: fat vs. sugar.
It's simple, eat sugar burn sugar. Eat sensibly and don't starve yourself. Stay away from the sweet stuff as it will elevate your blood sugar and insulin, both of which will inhibit your fat burning potential.
Timing is also a factor, the minimum people wait before exercising after a meal is 3 hours. The longer you wait after eating, the more fat you will be burning during the training session.
How it works
The better shape you are in the more efficiently your muscles will burn fat. Body fat burns at 60% of your maximum effort and blood sugar burns at 80% of your max effort.
How to do it
To increase your level of fitness and burn fat at the same time add intervals to your workouts ...this includes incorporating interval sprints once a week in you running program.
Lets say you are training for the Sun Run - Start with a low intensity run at 60% for 5 minutes to burn fat and then kick it up a notch to 80% for another minute. Listen to your body, continue these 5 to 1 intervals and do as many sets as you are comfortable with before ending with a 5 minute cool down run.
At the gym - perform a superset (a combo of exercises) incorporating a strength or resistance exercise with high intensity cardio.
For example:
Bench Press, Squat, and Skipping. You could use a set number of reps 8-12 for each exercise or duration such as a minute - go through the superset 2-4 times depending on your fitness level.
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