What is Interval Training?Interval Training is a form of cardio-respiratory Training involving a combination of high intensity work and low intensity work/rest in repeated successions.
In other words a high intensity activity is followed by a low intensity one or by rest allowing the body to recover its energy systems faster for the next high intensity activity.
Interval Training rides on the biggest component of your bodies' exercise performance ability - Rest.
This rest or relief phase allows for the bodies high energy systems to regenerate and get ready for the oncoming high intensity work.
Amazing benefits of Interval TrainingMore and more people from coaches to athletes are seeing the amazing benefits of Interval Training. Don't be left behind. Use these Interval Training tips to burn more fat, increase speed in sports and get ahead of the competition.
* More demanding workouts and hence better resultsIf you perform a high intensity activity such as swimming, sprinting, weight training or high intensity aerobics you fatigue easily. But when you rest for a few seconds or slow down your intensity for a few seconds and allow your energy systems to regenerate then you can continue with the high intensity activity. Thus with proper rest and exercising spacing allows more demanding workouts.
And since intensity is the deciding factor for producing results, HIIT works wonders from sports to weight loss.
High Intensity Interval Training works as it is highly adaptable and can be tailored for anyone from novice to trained athletes. And most importantly it produces results.
* Bursts plateau effects of AerobicsPlateau effect of aerobics and how I.T. will burst through it
If a decent body weight is all you ask for so that you avoid the heart problems then Aerobics will help. But if you are looking beyond losing a few pounds, want to have a fit, toned body with flat stomach { or may be a 6-pack abs } and be very active and full of energy then you have to up the tempo and switch on to Interval Training.
* Interval Training helps athletes get betterInterval Training for Sports is a big gift as it mimics the very demands of sports wherein the athlete keeps switching between low intensity works and bursts of movement intensities.
* Interval Training is for everyoneOne of the biggest advantages of I.T. is the ability to modify it to your fitness levels.
Are you a beginner with no training experience? I.T. can be customized for you.
Are you an athlete looking to break the aerobic plateaus? I.T. can be customized for you.
You ma be one with special condition like post-coronary heart diseases, diabetic or senior adult, I.T. can be customized for you too.
The ease in modifying these workouts is possible as intensity is subjective experience and the desired heart rate values can be targeted with ease. You can easily change the workout to match it to your current fitness level and the goals you are after. More in a minute.
* Interval Training helps target specific energy systemsAthletes in aerobic sports like marathon runners want different kind of energy systems to work more than anaerobic training athletes like sprinters and weight lifters. Some athletes require optimal functioning of both systems for peak performance.
Interval Training can be customized to meet these specific goals.
* No boring workouts in Interval TrainingAlmost all aerobic exercises can be used just by adjusting training intensity. This allows a wide variety of choices from running to swimming, from sprinting to aerobic gym equipments like treadmills or bicycles.
* More productive than AerobicsWhen it comes to Fat Loss, Interval Training is more efficient to burn fat than conventional aerobics training. Read more about it in the Interval Training Vs Aerobic Exercises Section.
I can go on and on But I am sure you are convinced that Interval Training is a method which the earlier you embrace the better if improving your performance is important to you.
I hope I have at best convinced you to try the Interval Training workout tips I am about to reveal or at worst aroused curiosity in to the Interval Training method.
Interval Training Terms and ComponentsWork and Recovery Interval - Work or exercise interval is simply the duration of your high intensity exercise. Recovery or relief interval is the duration of your low/no intensity exercise.
Work/Recovery ratio - It is the ratio of work and recovery/relief intervals. This ratio is important when you plan a goal-specific I.T. workout.
Recovery intervals can be of active rest wherein you completely stop the activity or passive rest wherein you continue the activity but at a very low intensity as in interval running.