Here it is:
Forget about the quick-fix, focus instead on lifestyle.
Oh, I know—changing your lifestyle is hard - does this sound like you?
• Switching from your daily mocha java frappacino (which is l-o-a-d-e-d with
sugar) to plain coffee is boring.
• Resisting the urge to following your nose through the drive-thru for a quick
bite (why does fried food smell so good?) and sticking with a baggie of
carrot sticks isn’t satisfying.
• Ignoring the couch after a long day of work (yes, I know your couch looks
lonely, but trust me it can live without you for another hour) and cranking
through an hour of exercise seems ludicrous.
• Turning your nose up to a bowl of comforting ice cream just before bed
(preferably the kind with chocolate swirls) and reaching instead for a piece
of fresh fruit feels like torture.
So why do it?
We live in the world of give-it-to-me-now. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have everything you desire right at your fingertips. You shouldn’t have to work for anything. I’m sorry, folks, it just doesn’t work that way.
If you want to enjoy the benefits of confidence, good health, including a lean, fit body, you have to become acquainted with one powerful virtue.
Will power.
Just because you want to eat it (a donut, a burger and fries, a candy bar, a slice of pizza...) doesn’t mean you should! It is a little thing called will power that keeps fit and healthy people at their ideal weight. If you think that the hard body that runs around your block is immune to the powerful draw of delicious fat-laden food—you’re in for a surprise! Chances are that the fitness buffs you know love unhealthy food even more than you do.
Well, why do they look so much better than me?
You already know the answer by now, but I will indulge you. They have will power to just say no to unhealthy food 9 times out of 10. Did you catch that last part? 9 times out of 10. Because even the buffest guy and thinnest gal take the occasional opportunity to treat their taste buds to something other than lean meats and veggies. But they don’t treat themselves everyday of the week.
You Can Do It To!
If you truly want to lose weight and to improve both your appearance and your health then listen up! I am not going to insult your intelligence by telling you what foods you shouldn’t eat and what exercises you should do. Chances are, you know all of that.
However, I will give you this one piece of advice that, when followed, will result in the body of your dreams:
The next time you reach for an indulgence and the little voice in your head says “Maybe I shouldn’t....” listen to that little voice. Put down the croissant and pull on your workout clothes.
Call you fitness coach to talk you down if you need to.
Don't have a Fitness Coach? Find one here!
Want to find out ways to boost your metabolism naturally? Come back tomorrow!