Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The 5:45AM class with be heading indoors starting next session Oct. 20th at the West Burnaby United Church (6050 Sussex) - YAY!

No more cold, wet mornings in the dark. Keep in mind, we will still be venturing outdoors for the majority of class, so come prepared to class with appropriate workout gear - light water-proof layers.

Unfortunately, the church is not able to accommodate our evening class until mid November. I apologise to those of you who are registered for the night class - we will still be meeting outdoors. We will be meeting at the Marlborough Elementary School on the Corner of Grange and Nelson (a few blocks from the United Church. There is a few uncover areas that are roomy and dry enough to accommodate our class until we are able to venture indoors.

Here is a map to the Church meeting spot:

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